Monday, 31 December 2012

Hawaii trip is THIS YEAR! (almost)

OK so here in New Zealand 2013 is only 10 hours away...

The main reason for this post is to bring this blog back to life in people's Blogger timelines and remind you all that there's a trip happening in nine months... who's in?

It's almost like Hawaii is our baby and tonight, New Year's Eve, is CONCEPTION night.... hehehe
 Since last time I posted I have had to change my plans, I won't be in the islands for three weeks after all, but the week of September 9th is TOTALLY ON. I am now hoping to go to Hong Kong to see some family on the way.

From memory, we have myself, ChyLynn, Erin and Charla interested [Edit: and SHARON!! So sorry I forgot... blonde moment!]. Can you please indicate in the comments if you're keen, so that we can start having some conversations soon about location and accommodation?

Happy New Year, bitches.

Amy / @Twi_Kiwi xxx