Saturday, 1 October 2011



If you've found this blog, you're probably aware there's been a wee bit of talk about the possibility of a Twitards trip to Hawaii in a couple of years. I set up a twitition a couple of weeks ago and several people have identified that they might be keen.

Now that you're all in a post-Forks funk, it's time to start thinking about the next twiventure!

I have no idea at this stage about dates, or duration, or location for that matter... I just thought Hawaii made sense, a little cheaper for those of us in the Southern Hemisphere to get to, and no passports required for American travellers.

So, start following this blog if you're keen, and we can keep talking more about ideas etc... let's make this a reality! Plenty of time to save $$$, and build excitement.

Oh., and if someone wants to help me pretty up this blog, feel free!